Thursday, September 02, 2010

Jewish Persecution

Eye on the Middle East: The Ghettoization of Israel. Elwood McQuaid

In a June 22 Newsweek article titled "A Friend in Need: Barack gets tough on Bibi," Jacob Weisberg laid out the American approach to slapping Israel into line. Producing the desired degree of Israeli capitulation is the objective of the Obama administration and others who believe getting tough on Israel is the road to peace...

American Thinker: The ghettoization of Israel. By James Lewis.

The original ghetto was not the home of The Boyz in the Hood. In the Middle Ages ghettos were pathetically overcrowded and walled—in neighborhoods, in which Jews were forced to live, a kind of living prison. The ghetto gates were opened by day and locked up by night, to protect cities like Venice from contact with Jews...

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