Sunday, September 12, 2010

Book Review: What Love Is This? Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God  by Dave Hunt

Has Dave Hunt finally gone senile? I love his teaching on the cults and prophecy, but now he has departed from his area of gifting. His new hobbyhorse and book, based on months and months of newsletter tripe, condemns all those who trust in God's sovereignty in salvation as heretics and unbelievers worshiping a false god. It's a sad day when I have to side with a Baptist cemetery president over a Calvary Chapel watchman.

"As someone who is convinced that God does control all things, that man is unable to come to Christ apart from the gracious enabling of God, that Christ died to supply an infinitely valuable atonement that is effectively applied to all who trust in Him, that God works effectively to bring sinners to repentance and faith, and that all who have trusted Christ will persevere in the faith until final glorification; I find the teachings of this book to be both unbiblical and inflammatory."

Devastating rebuttal by David M. Doran: or

Monday, September 06, 2010

YouTube - Soon--All Nations Against Jerusalem?

YouTube - Soon--All Nations Against Jerusalem?: "Will the Jews begin soon to offer sacrifices and build a third temple on the Temple Mount? Is former New York mayor and Democrat Ed Koch correct when he warns that it is President Obama's policy to create an alliance with Arab states against Israel? And what is behind Muammar al Gaddafi's concept of a new bi-national state, called 'Isratine,' and Egypt's attempts to rally U.N. support against Israel?"

Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Clergy and the Laity: "The Distinction between Clergy and Laity – Is it of God?

Some Christians attend gatherings in which a distinction is made between those who are 'clergy' and those who are 'laity', while others attend gatherings at which no such distinction is made. So how and when did this distinction come about? and is it a Biblical distinction?...
Jewish Persecution

Eye on the Middle East: The Ghettoization of Israel. Elwood McQuaid

In a June 22 Newsweek article titled "A Friend in Need: Barack gets tough on Bibi," Jacob Weisberg laid out the American approach to slapping Israel into line. Producing the desired degree of Israeli capitulation is the objective of the Obama administration and others who believe getting tough on Israel is the road to peace...

American Thinker: The ghettoization of Israel. By James Lewis.

The original ghetto was not the home of The Boyz in the Hood. In the Middle Ages ghettos were pathetically overcrowded and walled—in neighborhoods, in which Jews were forced to live, a kind of living prison. The ghetto gates were opened by day and locked up by night, to protect cities like Venice from contact with Jews...
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Life is short; Death is sure; Sin the cause; Christ the cure!

The Son of God became the Son of man that the sons of men might become the sons of God.

J esus, who for me hast borne
E very sorrow, pain, and scorn,
S tanding at man's judgment seat,
U njust judgment there to meet:
S ave me by thy mercy sweet.

G od's
R iches
A t
C hrist's
E xpense

Two HEARTS beat within this chest.
One is evil; the other blessed.
The one I love; The other I hate.
The one I feed will dominate.
- Robert Louis Stevenson

SIN will carry you farther than you want to go,
keep you longer than you want to stay,
and cost you more than you want to pay.
- Unknown

The Golden Rule of INTERPRETATION by D.L. Cooper
"When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense..." [...lest it become nonsense!]

John Nelson Darby had the "...conviction that the very notion of a clergyman was a sin against the Holy Spirit, because it limited the recognition that the Holy Spirit could speak through any member of the Church." -Wiki

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The Way Home by Mary Pride
Israel My Glory Magazine by Elwood McQuaid
Things That Differ by Cornelius R Stam

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